art + ifs therapy
helping people heal their relationship with themselves, their bodies, and their loved ones.
helping people heal their relationship with themselves, their bodies, and their loved ones.
Are you struggling in your relationships with loved ones or yourself?
Have you been told you’re not enough in some way?
Do you feel like you long for belonging? Do you feel abandoned?
Do you have a strong inner critic that informs a lot of your beliefs?
I work with folks who are feeling disconnected from themselves, who are struggling with body image issues and eating disorders, trauma, boundaries and relationship issues.
I work with many artists, creative folks, non-conventional/non-conforming people who are on their path of healing.
You can heal all parts of yourself.
do you want to stop comparing yourself to others and start trusting your own path?
Do you want to have deeper, more meaningful relationships in your life?
I work by connecting with clients on a soul level, I make space for them to show up with all the messy, beautiful, complex parts of themselves to help alchemize the connection to themselves, spirit, purpose, community, whatever you want to call it. So they can go out into the world and embody their knowing relationally with others.
You are more than just a body. Embrace your weirdness. Embrace who you truly are as a radical act and I will be your biggest cheerleader in doing so!
Learn to tap into your intuition and stop comparing yourself to others and trust your own beautiful path.
What questions are you carrying in your body that are not your own? Do you have the space to ask yourself what your own questions are? Make space for living your own questions.
Deepen your connection to your spirit, your ability to “be with” instead of “doing something about”.
Find the magic that is within you, stoke your inner fire.
Hello! I’m Chelsea…
I’m a student of learning my own worth and being my best friend. I’m a teacher of learning to be with all parts of yourself, having compassion for yourself and others.
I get people excited about being creative, and I make people feel like what they’re saying is important. One of my gifts is the ability to balance depth and fun- I can easily go from laughing to sharing intense emotions. I am grateful for my intuition, creative expression, embodiment and balance of my divine yin and yang energies. I love art, rituals, the ocean, and helping others find their magic.